Mardie Salt Project – Baseline Metocean Data Collection


Project Mardie Salt Project – Baseline Metocean Data Collection
Client BCI Minerals LTD
Date  2018 – 2019
About the Project Our Services 

O2 Metocean collected waves and current data offshore from Mardie, Western Australia for 16 months to inform and validate numerical dilution modelling of a potential waste bitterns discharge pipeline and inform the design criteria for a standalone export facility. Our services included selecting suitable instrumentation and seabed design, deploying and recovering the instrumentation, project management, HSE documentation, and client liaison.


The data was used as a baseline characterisation of Metocean conditions to support environmental investigations, particularly for dredge plume and bitterns outfall modelling. A subset of the data will be used to calibrate and validate the performance of models for confidence in informing both engineering design and environmental impact. The data had high returns of over 90% at both locations and captured significant events such as Cyclone Veronica and Riley in 2019.

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