Port of Dampier Marine Environmental Quality Sampling and Analysis Plan (MEQSAP)


Project PPort of Dampier Marine Environmental Quality Sampling and Analysis Plan (MEQSAP)
Client Pilbara Ports Authority (PPA)
Date  2019
About the Project Our Services 

O2 Marine was engaged to prepare a MEQMP for the Port of Dampier. This project involved working collaboratively with PPA and key stakeholders to define environmental values, objectives and criteria, spatially define levels of ecological protection, and develop monitoring and management in accordance with EPA guidance and green port principles. The monitoring programs designed included water and sediment quality, benthic habitats, bio-contaminants and marine fauna.


The project represented the second major Port in Western Australia to adopt a consolidated and consistent approach to marine environmental quality management. O2 Marine is now implementing the monitoring program on a quarterly basis on behalf of PPA.

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