Water Quality Testing Services in the Port Geographe Artificial Waterways and Adjacent Marine Waters


Project Water Quality Testing Services in the Port Geographe Artificial Waterways and Adjacent Marine Waters
Date  2016 – Present
About the Project O2 Marine was engaged to implement a water quality monitoring program to assess the health of the Port Geographe artificial waterways. The project involved the collection of water samples for laboratory analysis, water column profiling and recording of aesthetic observations as well as monthly and annual reporting. 

After a full review of the monitoring program results and the historic data, O2 Marine advised several recommendations to the program to align the monitoring commitments with the current expectations of the environmental regulator. 

O2 Marine inherited the project from another consultant after 12 months of ad-hoc work. This required O2 Marine to review the historical data, refine the monitoring approach and align it with current government guidelines. While working in this handover process, O2 Marine developed a thorough understanding of the Department of Transport’s motives, standards and expectations for the successful delivery of the project. 

This context led to the development and implementation of a robust monitoring program that provides the DoT with a sound platform on which to base management decisions for the maintenance of water quality within the Port Geographe artificial waterways.

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