Case Studies

Ashburton Mangrove Monitoring – Marine Environmental Studies

O2 Inflight was engaged by PPA to undertake annual mangrove health monitoring adjacent to the Wheatstone Project, to assess potential mangrove health impacts resulting from changes to coastal processes and tidal flows. Mangrove stands are monitored using a Remotely Operated Aircraft System (RPAS) with a mounted multispectral camera to calculate NDVI as an indicator of vegetation health. Changes to mangrove extent are also efficiently calculated from RGB orthomosaic imagery. O2 Inflight have successfully implement two years of

Ashburton Transhipment – Marine Environmental Studies & Approvals

Project: Ashburton Transhipment – Marine Environmental Studies & Approvals Client: Mineral Resources Limited Location Onslow, WA Date 2020-ongoing Our Services A Marine Environmental Pre-Feasibility Study and desktop review prepared by O2 Marine considered the marine environmental aspects of the Project and aimed to identify features of conservation significance which may be affected by the Project, make recommendations regarding any suggested design considerations and likely marine studies that would be required to inform the environmental approvals for the Project.  O2 Marine

Port Hedland Spoilbank Marina – Environmental Studies & Approvals

Project: Port Hedland Spoilbank Marina – Environmental Studies & Approvals Client: Department of Transport Location Port Hedland, Pilbara, WA Date 2018 – Current Our Services O2 Marine was engaged with Teal Solutions to undertake all marine studies to inform environmental impact assessment for the Port Hedland Spoilbank Marina. Studies included, benthic habitat surveys, sediment sampling, bathymetry surveys, water quality baseline, metocean baseline,  marine fauna investigations, underwater noise modelling and management plans. O2 Marine was also responsible for drafting required EIA

Onslow Marine Support Base – Environmental Studies & Approvals

Project Onslow Marine Support Base – Environmental Studies & Approvals Client: Onslow Marine Support Base Pty Ltd Location Onslow, WA Date 2017 – 2020 Our Services O2 Marine undertook all required studies to support environmental approval for a 1M m3 capital dredging and onshore disposal project in Onslow, WA. The project was undertaken to enable expansion of the existing Onslow Marine Support Base in Beadon Creek. Specialist studies included, coastal processes, marine benthic habitat mapping, benthic habitat loss assessment, sediment

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